Wednesday, June 23, 2010

R16 Final BBoyz chaMpianship

IndoneSia - Rebelz in RhyThm
Vietnam - BIg TOE
Laos - Laobangfai
Thailand - 99 Flava
Singapore - Floor Techniques
TaiWAn - soulFresh
MaLaySia. - Wakaka fEver n Giller Battle

R16 Southeast Asia 
Final BboyZ ChampionsHips
@ DAncE Center, KL

I always Waiting The Days.. Adn the Day Comes.. OMG .. i cant Believe i Get the MeDia paSS for This.. ThanKs Alot TO Feeq and Tian Chad. Its Finals Of R16.. WOwowowow..

its Was Damm AweSomE.. ^^ Its a place its gather all the best among the best B-BOyz in Asia.OOO...^^


DJ - Dust ( DuSt Aka BBoy Dust)
he is so cool..

In R16, There is 5 CategorieS and they are testing the new judging system.
Fundamentals, Artistic ,Dyanamics , Executions and Battle.

The Battle is going On Move..

its Become more AweSome..and AwESome..

open Floor Dance For all BBoys..

Dose Two is group by Both Talented duo, NaQid and Sayla. They Won the Best Hip-Hop Group Honour at the Voice Independent Musician Awards 2008. 

 Syala and Naqid

The Winner Of R16 Final Southeast Asia is...

Big Toe - VietnAm

Monday, May 31, 2010

Haineken Green Space

Rock Out With the Car Crash HEArt
@ Milk Club , BangSAr


Its ROck..
I love this kind of Event..
Sure no 1 will believe right.. haaha

Milk club , im 1st time been There. i thought is was Big. But not like what i think. it just a normal club. But i wounderRring Why they put the place name As MILK CLUB.?? its it in the club inside there Got sell milk others than beers? Sure not right? erm.. Why why why.. Funny right.. something special about this..haha..

That Day , Haineken Green Space was held a party hosted by a group of indie band called CAR Crash Heart.  They are Awesome.. Seriuslly , They are so SO sO great. i love their Song and how they Deleiver the Song, expecially the vocaliSSsss . Oh he was so cool and his voice was so Nice. * falling in Love OMG.. Its makes All the people Enjoy In The club at that moment include Me also that night.

im Enjoy my moment There, but i left early after GRab a group Photo With my Groups Of Friends. I was damm tired that Night. But i really EnjoY MyselF.

GRoup photo
Hani , Rebecca, me , Feeq, Suresh

Thursday, May 27, 2010

NiChii And KitSchEn

FEshion Show..

Nichii And kitschEn 
@ The CurVe , DamanSArA

Actually this this the part 2 of teh fEshion Show
While the part 1 was all about kitSChen brands. And Actually It was located at The CurVe adn one utama Shopping Mall , DamanSAra.

NichIi and KiTsChen..
Both I love ALso..
The clotehs They presenting are Nice and suitable for ladies age around 20 ++ huhu..


In the same time..NiChii is mostly For Ladies while kitSchEn We Can Have Ladies And man too as Well..


So what u all think abotu NichIi and KitSchEn clothes? Nice right? So Why U all Waiting.. So Fast To Go the nearest NicHii n KitscHen Shop to get this Beautiful Clothes....
