Sunday, July 10, 2016

Selamat Hari Raya.

Hello guys.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

To all My family's members / relative who celebrate Raya , My friends and every Muslim who celebrate this occasion - Selamat Hari Raya.  To the others races - Happy Holidays.

How your Fasting month ?

Done a month of Fasting. Its time for Raya celebration.

How the Raya Celebration ? Which Kampung do you balik this year ? What have you ate during this raya? What colour theme of Baju Raya this year?

This year - 2016. My most special moment after long. I cuti Raya. Yahoo ! Means i able to join Raya celebration this year. I get off day because i'm still on my leave for confinement. Years pass since ever i start work , Hari Raya i celebrate in the ward. Celebrating with my team mate in ward either working Morning Shift, Afternoon Shift nor Night Shift.

Working shift people like me not always have the chance to enjoy the public holiday. We have to be depends on our time table as due to distance and time table with night shift in between. I always miss out special event with my family members such as mother's day , father's day, family gatherings , and many many family event time to time , this is the reason.

Its ok. Some of my friends / working team mate unable to back for Raya as they been scaduale to work on Raya day. I'm sure they must be up-sad and their family waiting for them to be home on this special day. I'm not a robot that could work 24 hours a day without rest. I can't help up much. What i always did is try not to apply leave on this Raya seasons. Who don't like to spend extra time with family and people they love, Right?

Since ever i start working, Hari Raya never been my day off as i'm giving way for my Team-mate to balik kampung to celebrate Hari Raya with their family and friends. I'm sure this happen to all of us who name as workers. Give and take . I celebrate mostly all Occasions ( Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavalli, Hari Gawai, Christmas ) Haha. Born in a Family that rich is multiple races and religion =) The benefit.

What i like about Hari Raya ?

Hari Raya.Its New Year for every Muslim. Since i born in a country called - Malaysia. Malaysia is a country where there is different races different religion people living all peace together as family. Every 1st day of Raya, My parents will bring us to relative and their friends residence for a Raya Open House.

Me ? Food of couse. If you ask me , i always wait for raya to eat a lot alot of delicious food such as Ketupat ,Lemang, Rendang, Ayam Masak Merah, Lontong , Kuah Kacang with nasi empit , Sambal and many many more. Wow.

My favorite food of Raya is all, but if you want me to pick it will always be The Kuah Kacang with Ketupat And Rendang. Haha.

Early morning on 2nd day Raya. I woke up from sleep by the nice smell of Rendang from kitchen. What i'm waiting ! I had a bath , change then walk as fast as possible to the kitchen as i still can heard the pan sound so loud and the blender is working so hard. Haha. Comfrim mum making sambal.

Correct ! My mum is cooking Raya Dish. Yahoo.

A Simple Raya Dish at home for all of us.

My Mum Home Made Kuah Kacang and Nasi Empit With Ayam Rendang. Yum Yum. I supper like it very much especially mum Kuah Kacang. I can eat non stop but this time cannot . I'm still in confinement period , not good to have so much oily food. A taste to hilang my kempunan.

I Miss the moment that having Raya Dish and celebrate raya with my team mate while working in ward. They will bring a lot of different kind of Raya Dish to share with us in the ward. We will go to Raya Open House after work. So much Fun. They working on their Raya day to nurse the patient in the hospital. So , please do be thankful for the nurse / medical team that nurse you / giving you treatment . They left their family behind for you.

Anyone wanna invite me to their Raya Open House ? hehe.

Either you finish your raya and getting back to work Or you just wanna to balik kampung for raya celebration.
For Those who on family travel / travelling with your partner .
Check Your car as they in good conditions before your start your journey to your destination.
Do drive safe on the journey.

Selamat Hari Raya


Thursday, June 5, 2014

My baBe Aziemah WEdding

WaKe Up EarLy Morning
iron Up my 
Baju Kurung 

Take a Good bath 
Blow My Hair 
Put My Make Up On 
Prepare MyseLf ...

tik Tok tik Tok ...
Its  time 

10 November 2013 
Its big Day 
Not me But For Her 

She is My Most closed Friends Ever 
once i Been posted Here 
we work in same department
we hangout together 
movie , eat all crazy moments 

we share our Sorrow Together
we may sometimes have disagreement 
1 turn , 1 smile 
we again hugs togethers 

my very 1st time
being bridemates of my own friends
that i only know her not really long

she Taken 
im her bridesmate of the her most happiness day ever 
in her life

Congratulation Babe..
i love u 
my prayers and best wishes for u 
may u stay happy and forever ...

Friday, May 30, 2014

ICU Dinner Night

3 years
My life Working In 
its Not short 
and its either not that long 
23 May 
ICU Dinner Night  @ Danga cruise, Johor bahru 
so left our work load aside 
enjoy the most relax moments together 

was Working morning shift 
while my 2 babes was offday waiting for me 
so what a rush day for 3 of us 
well girls prepare for a date night 
its so fun and crazy 
sit in a room , laugh and make up for each others 
yah luckily we make up on time to there 
well ..
dont need to tell more 
the Picture of our face show how happy we are ..
* i think 
*oh.. can i have a nice dinner date on here next time ..
haaha ..( refer to my coming soon who ever be my man )
i  dont think it will be happen 
stay in dream la 
like my BFF say ...hahah 

*LOVE * 

if u know me 
well , yah i love night view so much
we have a chat selfie section together 
since we hard to get to chat together during works 
Love .. 
the greatest power  in human  
loVe yourself , your family, your friends
and anyone around You
if u make them smile ; 
u Are donating the biggest present for them 
so why not  =)
oh yah , 
meeting someone during noon before i catch up with my babes
* only i can express 
others let it be in deep in my heart 
if u read this, 
im really appologies 
but the unpleasent meet  
i was in rush 
not in a propper dress up 
 thanks for everythings  

hopefully there will be another meet up 
till next

 <3 div="">

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Organ Donation sEminAr 2011

Ape Itu penderMa Organ?

Adakah anda salah seorang 

Tak pe..
usah nak marah marah ataupun gelisah 

mesti ramai diantara semua orang 
Tak faham, 
bila Dengar Pendermaan Organ

Organ DOnatiOn Seminar 2011
@ UKM , Bangi , Malaysia

Ape yang kita boley Derma ?
1. Hati 
2. Jantung
3. Paru-Paru
4. Buah Pinggang

Dalam mase yang saMe Kita juga Boley Derma Organ Yang lain
1. Tissue
2. Cornea
 3. tulang 
4. Injap Jantung 
sIape yang boley DErma
1. semua orang yang Berusia 18 Tahun ke atas
2. untuk 18 Tahun Ke bawah , kena minta kebenaran ibu baPa
sebelum berdafar sebagai penderma 
kEna beriTahu KepaDa semua ahli keLuraga Taw..
keSian mereka 
kalau Tahu di saat saat anda telah tiada dalam Dunia Ne..

siape yang layak meneRima? 
1. orang yang berada dalam keadaan kritikal
2. ahli Kelaurga yang diberikeutamaan dahulu

SEminar Hari ini di bentangkan oleh 
1.  En. Mohd RAzif B. Zakaria 
( Penolong Pengarah Kanan Bahagian Pendidikan KesihaTan 
2. Dr. Muhamed Anis B. Abdul Wahab
( Pengurus Klinikal Pusat Sumber Transplan Nasional , HKL )
3. Ustaz Azhar B. Tuarno 
( Imam Masjid Negara )

Adakah Anda telah berdaftar 
sebagai Penderma Organ ?

Kenape kita takut untuk menderMa organ?
1 Organ dapat menyelamat satu insan 
dapat memberi ruang untuk seseorang isan untuk merasa DuniA
memberi kegembiraan kepada orang Lain

Kenape kita harus sombong angkuh
Kita tidak Tahu 
adakah Hari esok Kita Akan memerlukan organ daripada penderma Lain

Kenape kita Tidak Menderma organ
sedangkan Walaupun bila tiba Saat untuk Pergi
orGan organ dalam badan kita Tak terbawa Kemane mane..
lebih Baik 
kita gunakan ia untuk menyelamatkan nyawa insan 
yang amat memerlukan pertolongan...=) 

fikir fikir lah Kawan Kawan..

Jom Kita 
menjadi saLah seorang PenderMa Organ =) 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Last Week
actually I join 
a FlasMob dance Event 
with My Group of Friends in my college 
aRtz StreeT CRew 
The Ladies CArniVal @ Flashmob UM
@ University Malaya, Selangor , Malaysia

This is Event that Held in UM
so many activities...
just lets The picture Show 
How fun its Was there

who WIn 
Who Win gEt Free T- shirt =)

 Who is leng ZAi

my Group Leader? 
he is Leader group Of Help university 

everythings Is Done SO 
enjoy and Fun

Under HOt HOt Shinny Sun
WE Dance 
in a big Group

its Was Fun
for My first Time Try ...

Thanks FOr 
My Friend
who Brings Me Up into thsi cRew
making My dReam Come True =)

 i got to meet New Friends
from HElp university
they Are Damm cool 

this is my gRoup
ARTz - stReeT danCe Crew =) 

thanks Guys for the Nice Memory